Devil’s Kitchen Award in Prose 2009 & Knockemstiff

I was recently informed that Knockemstiff has won the Devil’s Kitchen Award in Prose for 2009, sponsored by Grassroots, the literary magazine of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Thanks, guys! I really, really appreciate it. See you at the festival.

One Response to Devil’s Kitchen Award in Prose 2009 & Knockemstiff

  1. I just finished your book, Mr. Pollock, and look forward to your novel. It has been a long time since I have read prose so unselfconscious. You write with an authority that is refreshing. It seems most writers nowadays view words as some sort of mysterious, snarling machine that will turn turtle and squash them if they aren't careful. You write like you can not only drive the machine, you can change the oil on that motherfucker. All of which is to say, thanks for two good days.

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